iBox® Scientia is an in vivo fluorescence protein imaging tool for small animals (mice). It is an easy one touch automated computer (touch screen) controlled system which has highest accuracy and precision. It captures images with the high resolution and high sensitive CCD camera and optics.
The Main Features of iBox
• Completely networkable, stand-alone system for fluorescence in vivo imaging
• Color CCD camera for high resolution, quick image capture of fluorescence in vivo images
• Darkroom with integrated touchscreen technology and easy-to-use software interface for live preview, capture, and saving images
• BioLite MultiSpectral Light Source for directed, filtered illumination
• Roll-out tray inside the darkroom providing easy access for placement of mice on the warming plate
• Easy useable VisionWorksLS Image Acquisition and Analysis Software
Non-Invasive, Visible and NIR In Vivo Imaging for Detection of Fluorescent Markers in Small Animals
Targets of interest in live animals may be observed non-invasively with the iBox Scientia System by specifically labeling the target with a synthetic, fluorescent probe. The system has the flexibility to support any fluorescent probe in the visible wavelengths as well as the near infrared (NIR) wavelength range. NIR enables less skin autofluorescence (~650nm), deep penetration with use of RFP for (3X)2 penetration depth and GFP, NIR for near (8X)2 penetration depth. The wide spectrum also allows more options for multiplex labeling. The iBox system incorporates the light tight darkroom, BioLite and matched emission/excitation green fluorescent protein (GFP) and red fluorescent protein (RFP) filter sets.
iBox Application
Tumor studies
Cancer research
Heart disease
Gene expression
Mice: N = Estimate 100/year. Strains: multiple strains provided by the investigator. Category: D
1. Investigator brings mice, or has them transferred to room LScA 25A
2. Mice are placed in sedation chamber with 5% isoflurane for 1 min and 2.5 % for 2 minutes.
3.Then isoflurane is turned inside the darkroom and mice are placed on the plate that must be warmed at 37°C
4. Mice scanned 1-5 at a time in iBox scanner for 10 minutes or less, depending on resolution.
5.After scan, mouse is returned to the original cage and monitored for complete recovery from anesthesia.
6.All mice are retrieved directly by investigator for next experiment or to terminate or place back in original housing.
7.All equipment cleaned and disinfected per individual posted instructions.
a) Turn on the iBox machine, the light source and warming plate inside the dark room
b) Turn on the computer
c) Launch the UVP software on the desktop
d) Go to the “Acquisition” window
i. Click on “scan devices” and pay attention that the computer detects 4 devices; if not close the devices detected, check that all USB ports are well connected and click again on “scan devices”
e) Put an object inside the darkroom to find the focus
f) On the “Lighting” window
i. Lens control
- Leave “aperture” on the minimum
- Move the focus slowly until you see the object perfectly
ii. lighting and filters
- Choose the appropriate filter excitation for your fluorescence (position #1 must be left free to take clear images)
- epi-illumination : off
- trans-illumination: off
iii. Tray location: the location of the plate inside the darkroom; min is better
iv. Biolite
- Choose the appropriate filter emission
- Turn ON the light on the light source (you can do it from the PC or from the source)
- Choose the intensity of the light
- Leave on Trans (in the source will be Epi)
g) On the “camera” window
i. Leave “on-chip integration”
ii. Set the time of exposition of your mice
iii. preview should be 2x2
iv. capture 4x4 (You can zoom the image by choosing 7x7 or more but this will reduce the quality of your image)
h) After every sample turn OFF the light on the “lighting” window
i) You should do a clear image of your sample to compare with the fluorescent image
j) Save the images
k) Close the software
Turn off the iBox, the light source and the warming plate.