The BORC offers its research services at two locations: Leverton Hall and the Life Sciences Annex on the East Campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Leverton Hall
The BORC occupies a total of 1976 sq. ft. of laboratory and office space in the basement of Leverton Hall on UNL’s East Campus, where most cell biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology studies are performed. The laboratory includes a separate biosafety level 2 cell culture room (176 sq. ft.), equipped with a ZEISS Primo Vert microscope, a NuAire In-VitroCell ES NU-5710 Incubator for cell culture, and a LabGard® ES NU-430 Class II, Type B2 Biosafety Cabinet. A fume hood was built at the end of the room to limit researchers’ exposure to hazardous or toxic fumes and vapors when they perform experiments.

Life Sciences Annex
The BORC also occupies two animal rooms in the Life Science Annex for researchers to perform in vivo studies. Room A25A (360 sq. ft.) is equipped with seven pieces of behavioral study equipment including a Grip Strength System, ROTOR-ROD™ System, SR-LABTM Startle Response System, Place Conditioning Preference, Barnes Maze, Morris Water Maze, Radial Arm System, as well as a live mouse imaging system, iBox® Scientia. Room A22A (255 sq. ft.) houses the TSE Phenomaster/Labmaster caging system, a multi-modular platform that allows researchers to carry out metabolic, behavioral, and physiological studies of mice in an automated and synchronized manner.

Major equipment at BORC
Molecular and Cell Biology
Metabolic Study
Animal Phenotyping
Imaging Facility
Biostatistics and Computational Services