BioTek Synergy™ H1m

BioTek Synergy™ H1m

Synergy™ H1m is a flexible monochromator-based multi-mode microplate reader. The monochromator optics use a third generation quadruple grating design that works at any excitation or emission wavelength with a 1 nm step. This system supports top and bottom fluorescence intensity, UV-visible absorbance and high performance luminescence detection. It is the ideal system for all the standard microplate applications found in life science research laboratories. It has the following features:

  1. A dual reagent injection system is available to automate inject/read assays such as ion channels assays or flash luminescence assays (e.g. luciferase or ATP assays).
  2. User-adjustable orbital shaking and advanced 4-Zone™ temperature control
  3. Compatible with Take3™ Micro-Volume Plates: Samples down to 2 μL volume can be measured. Especially useful when working with precious samples, for fast and accurate DNA/RNA quantification at 260 nm

Video Introduction from The Lab World Group

Detection modesUV-Vis absorbance 
 Fluorescence intensity
 Fluorescence polarization
 Time-resolved fluorescence
Read methodsEndpoint, kinetic, spectral scanning, well area scanning
Microplate types6- to 384-well plates
Other labware supportedPetri and cell culture dishes
 Take3 Micro-Volume Plates
Temperature control4-Zone™ incubation to 45 °C with Condensation Control™
 +0.2 °C at 37 °C
ShakingLinear, orbital, double orbital
SoftwareGen5™ Data Analysis Software
 Gen5 Secure for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance (option)
AutomationBioStack and 3rd party automation compatible
 BioSpa 8 Automated Incubator compatible
CO2 and O2 control (option)Range: 0 - 20% (CO2); 1 - 19% (O2)
 Control Resolution: +0.1% (CO2 and O2)
 Stability: +0.2% at 5% CO2; +0.2% at 1% O2
 Models for both CO2 and O2 or CO2 only are available
Light sourceXenon flash
Wavelength selectionmonochromator
Wavelength range230 - 999 nm, 1 nm increments
Monochromator bandwidth4 nm (230-285 nm), 8 nm (>285 nm)
Dynamic range0 - 4.0 OD
Resolution0.0001 OD
Pathlength correctionyes
Monochromator wavelength accuracy±2 nm
Monochromator wavelength repeatability±0.2 nm
OD accuracy<1% at 2.0 OD
 <3% at 3.0 OD
OD linearity<1% from 0 to 3.0 OD
OD repeatability<0.5% at 2.0 OD
Stray light0.03% at 230 nm
Reading speed (kinetic)96 wells: 11 seconds
 384 wells: 22 seconds
Light sourceXenon flash
DetectorPMT for monochromator system
 PMT for filter system
Wavelength selectionQuad monochromators (top/bottom)
 Filters (top)
Wavelength rangeMonochromators: 250 - 700 nm (850 nm option)
 Filters: 200 - 700 nm (850 nm option)
Monochromator bandwidthFixed, 16 nm
Dynamic range7 decades
 Fluorescein 0.25 pM (0.025 fmol/well, 384-well plate)
 Quad Monochromator:
 Fluorescein 2.5 pM (0.25 fmol/well, 384-well plate) - top
 Fluorescein 4 pM (0.4 fmol/well, 384-well plate) - bottom
Reading speed (kinetic)96 wells: 11 seconds
 384 wells: 22 seconds
Wavelength range300 - 700 nm
Dynamic range>6 decades
SensitivityMonos: 20 amol ATP (flash)
 Filters: 10 amol ATP (flash), 100 amol (glow)
Light sourceXenon flash
Wavelength selectionFilters
Wavelength range280 - 700 nm (850 nm option)
Sensitivity1.2 mP standard deviation at 1 nm fluorescein
Light sourceXenon flash
Wavelength selectionQuad monochromators (secondary mode)
 Filters (top)
Wavelength rangeFilters: 200 - 700 nm (850 nm option)
SensitivityFilters: Europium 40 fM (4 amol/well, 384-well plate)
 Monos: Europium 1200 fM (120 amol/well, 384-well plate)
Supported detection modesAll modes
Number2 syringe pumps
Supported labware6- to 384-well microplates, Petri dishes
Dead volume1.1 mL with back flush
Dispense volume5 - 1000 µL in 1 µL increment
Dispense accuracy±1 µL or 2%
Dispense precision<2% at 50-200 µL
Power130 Watts max.
Dimensions15.4"W 18.6"D 12.9"H
 (39.1 x 47.2 x 32.8 cm)
Weight50 lbs (22.5 kg)