Freeze drying is an important process in sample preparation and for the preservation and storage of biologicals, pharmaceuticals and foods. Of the various methods of dehydration, freeze drying (lyophilization) is especially suited for substances that are heat sensitive. Other than food processing (e.g., coffee, whole dinners), freeze drying has been extensively used in the development of pharmaceuticals (e.g., antibiotics) and preservation of biologicals (e.g., proteins, plasma, viruses and cell lines). The nondestructive nature of this process has been demonstrated by the retention of viability in freeze dried viruses and microorganisms.
FreeZone 4.5 Liter Benchtop Freeze Dry System is designed for light aqueous sample loads. This model is not for use with samples containing acetonitrile. Removes a maximum of over 1.5~2 liters of water in 24 hours.

Please be aware that the time for dropping samples is between Mon-Thu 9:00 to 16:30. We have 3+150ml, 3+ 300ml, and 3+ 600ml, 3+900ml flasks with the equipment. If you need them, please give us a 24h notification.
Some guidelines for setting the Freeze Dryer are shown below. These show pre-freezing temperatures and vacuum levels. Exact protocols must be determined by the user for the specific samples that are being freeze dried.
Table 1 Selected materials and their approximate drying times

Table 2 Guideline for pre-freezing temperatures and vacuum levels